Robin Greengrove

Robin Greengrove's Fundraiser

Ensure that kids with type 1 diabetes can rely on Camp Nejeda to help them survive and thrive! image

Ensure that kids with type 1 diabetes can rely on Camp Nejeda to help them survive and thrive!

Please give today!

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

$1,220 towards $1,000

This place changes lives like you would not believe. The support we provide for these kids and families in an accepting, supportive and energetic environment is not found in many other places. There is a reason why I have been involved in this camp for 17 years and I have been the Health Center Director for the past 8 summers. I am very dedicated to, and passionate about, the mission of serving those with type 1 diabetes and their families at this camp. Even a small donation will make an immediate and lasting impact for kids with type 1 diabetes! We appreciate anything you are able to give to get more kids to camp.

Nurse Robin